The time and effort you spend preparing your home for sale could result in a better price, quicker sale or both! There are two main factors that determine the saleability of any property: price and showability.
Realty Experts Group provides comprehensive advise backed by years of experience to ensure your property is ready for the market.

The Five Golden Keys
Cleanliness, Spaciousness, Maintenance, Decore, and Lighting
Selling a home requires effort. If you’re serious, you’ll need to take the necessary action to improve and maintain showability. Although it may not be feasible to do everything, the more you do, the better your chances of selling for more money. Other than serious issues, much of the Five Keys requires minimal effort. Do what you can, what is probable, and what is possible.

The Six Key Areas
Streetscape, Entryway, Kitchen, Main Living Room, Bedrooms / Master Bedroom, and Bathroom(s)
The potential buyer pulls up to your home for the first viewing, and before they even get out of the car, the evaluation has begun. All five senses are engaged. Every step, every look, every subtle feeling is being registered. It’s the buyer who makes the decision to make an offer or not. It’s your job to anticipate their objections before they even show up.
Home Showability Guide
Want to learn more about your homes’ showability? Get in touch with us. We’ve created a comprehensive guide that runs through all the major steps to ensure your home is ready to sell.
We understand the real estate market and have sold hundreds of homes since 1997. In this guide, we share all the knowledge on showability that we’ve accumulated over the years to lead you to a quicker sale at a higher price point.
For a preview, you can click on the “Home Showability Guide” on the right.