When is a good time to sell? This seems to be a common question asked by most people who are thinking about selling their property. The answer to this question depends on a variety of factors; however one of the ultimate decision-makers for a seller is whether or not they have enough equity to sell their property and move forward with their plans.
A current market analysis (CMA) is a report which involves a Realtor doing some market research in order to determine a property’s value based on current market conditions. Often a realtor will do this research on their own time and email it to the seller to review.
Here at Realty Experts Group, we have a different approach to doing a CMA—it’s interactive and it involves you! When you book an Initial Listing Consultation with one of our experts, part of this service involves going through the MLS system with you in order to determine a value in today’s market.

What Are My Next Steps?
A CMA is just one step of the selling process. We believe in providing a complete solution for you from start to finish. Our Initial Listing Consultation allows us to accurately qualify your wants and needs.

What's an Initial Listing Consultation?
Our Initial Listing Consultation is what allows us to accurately assess your wants and needs to provide you the best possible opportunities. Want to learn more? View the link below: